Written by Silver Lining Floor Care

Alison Warner

With a nine year old cream carpet on our stairs and landing – tea-stains, spills, marks and general dirt are to be expected with a young family racing up and down it every day!

We decided to by-pass calling a random carpet cleaner and bring in Silver Lining Floor Care instead, whose qualifications, machinery and excellent reputation goes before them.

Johnny and his friendly team arrived. Carefully considering the carpet type, marks and cleaning agents required they got to work and the result were nothing short of ‘OUTSTANDING’.

From what we thought was just a carpet clean, resulted in a 9 year old carpet looking fresh, vibrant, soft to walk on and as good as a brand new carpet!

I would not hesitate to recommend Silver Lining Floor Care to anyone from residential to commercial – you will not be disappointed… in fact you will be AMAZED!

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